What is the Marilyn Hansen Scholarship?
This scholarship was established to honor the memory of Marilyn Hansen, a woman who supported clogging through much of her life and was dedicated to the cause of education in the area of clogging instructors. This grant includes tuition scholarship for the Certified Clogging Instructor Program .
- This scholarship does not include travel and lodging.
- The scholarship cannot be applied to franchise sponsored CCI Sessions, it can only be applied to CCI Sessions offered by CLOG such as sessions offered during the National CLOG Convention.
- The scholarship must be used in the same year it is awarded.
- The minimum age limit for CCI seminars and the scholarship is 16 years of age.
How To Apply:
Letters of Application will be accepted from January 1 through April 30 each year. Applicants will be notified by May 31 of their application year.
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