Certified Clogging Instructor (CCI) Program

A Professional Distinction Administered by C.L.O.G.

Certified Clogging Instructor (CCI) Program2025-02-11T21:20:19-05:00

Click on Picture to zoom in – 2024 New Orleans – CCI Class

Certified Clogging Instructor (CCI) Program

Enroll today to experience the education of the Certified Clogging Instructor (CCI) Program and the teaching tips from more than 50 established clogging instructors. When you apply for CCI you'll be on your way to improving your instructional skills. You'll join a select group of men and women who have made the ultimate commitment to excellence in clogging instruction, career advancement and the ongoing pursuit of knowledge. The CCI program is not intended to be an indicator of the most skillful dancers in our art form today, nor is it necessarily a vehicle to becoming a widely recognized workshop instructor. It is a professional designation for instructors who have spent many hours dedicating themselves to becoming the best leaders possible by learning from some of the most competent, qualified, and successful instructors in the clogging world today.

Upcoming Sessions

Upcoming Sessions


Certified Clogging Education and Instructor Classes

There are two parts of the CCI Course work to begin your journey. Online education classes consist of History, Marketing, Management and Leadership. The face-to-face classes will be completed at a National Clogging Convention.

2025 National Clogging Convention will be held in Nashville, TN

  • Register online today to begin your journey

Fees: $200.00 – First-time participant has a one-time $50.00 registration fee. This fee covers both online and face-to-face classes. Testing fee: $50.00



Held in conjunction with the C.L.O.G. National Convention

Tentative Schedule – Wed  & Thu

Testing Candidates for CCI Certification:

  • You have attended a CCI seminar
  • Completed all requirements
  • Planning to take the written and practical evaluations
  • Received approval from your CCI Mentor

Then submit an Intent To Test form to Kathey Wilson Co-Chairperson at cci@clog.org.

Useful Forms and Documents

Intent To Test Form

CCI Information for International Candidates

Fast Track Form

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I have to be a clogging instructor to participate in the seminars and become a certified instructor?2017-12-15T18:35:47-05:00


I have been a clogging instructor for many years, how will becoming certified help me?2017-12-15T18:36:52-05:00

The benefits of networking with other instructors who have completed their certification and
those you meet during and after you have completed the program.

Information obtained from the CCI staff and other instructors are priceless for continued success
in teaching.

What does the CCI program consist of?2022-12-17T20:00:14-05:00

Class Work:
Complete online classes of history, marketing, management, voice production and face to face classes of how to teach/direct, how to choreograph, how to write cue sheets and more. A certificate of education is given after completion of all classes.

Course Work:
Completion of mandatory and elective points only mandatory to become certified.

What do I do first?2022-12-17T20:00:49-05:00
  1. Register for, pay associated fees, and complete the CCI Seminars. These are held online and face-to-face to complete certificate of education then you will begin your coursework of points to earn your certification
  2. Once Seminars are completed, a mentor will be assigned to help the CCI candidates through the completion of the program

Candidates will have three years in which to complete certification. Completion consists of gathering a total of 1000 points.  You will need 500 mandatory and 500 elective points. Of the 500 mandatory points candidates receive 400 mandatory points from attending the face-to-face CCI seminar. Of the 500 elective points, candidates have several different areas to choose from in collecting points. Ex., teaching, directing teams, choreography, state membership, hosting events, and much more.

What do I do when I have completed my points and my mentor signs off for me to test?2022-12-17T20:02:12-05:00

Fill out and pay fee for Intent to test(send to cci@clog.org) and test out

The test has two parts:

  • Written Exam
  • Practical Exam

At this time here are the venues you can test out:

National Clogging Convention, Arkansas Clogging Workshop, California Workshop, and Tennessee Workshop.

Once tests are passed, candidates are awarded their certification.

CLOG University

C.L.O.G. is excited to announce the restructure of the Certified Clogging Instructor (CCI*) program. Beginning last year, the NEW CLOG University started transitioning to a blended learning format. Blended learning enables candidates to learn electronically via online media and traditional face-to-face instruction.

When you enroll to experience the education of the CCI Program you’ll be on your way to improving your instructional skills. You’ll join a select group of men and women who have made the ultimate commitment to excellence in clogging instruction, clogging career advancement and the ongoing pursuit of clogging and teaching knowledge. C.L.O.G. and the Certified Education and Clogging Instructor committee are committed to bringing the best education and training curriculum to instructors and directors worldwide to promote and preserve a true American Folk Dance, CLOGGING.

The CCI curriculum consists of one set of online pre-requisites and one set of face-to-face instruction requisites. Once all requisites are complete, each candidate will receive a certificate of education. This certificate allows the candidate to continue towards achieving an instructor certification.

Online (pre-requisites)** Face-to-Face (requisites)
¨ History
¨ Marketing
¨ Management
¨ Leadership
¨ Q&A session
¨ Teaching
¨ Choreography
¨ Writing Cue sheets
¨ Sound/Voice Production
**Online prerequisites must be completed prior to attending the Face-to-Face session**

There are two parts of the CCI Course work to begin your journey. Online education classes consist of History, Marketing, Management and Leadership. The face-to-face classes will be completed at the:
National Clogging Convention

  • Online classes can be taken throughout the year after registration

Fees: $200.00 – First time participant has a one-time $50.00 registration fee. This fee covers both online and face-to-face classes

Start the CCI education process by registering online: http://www.clog.org/cci/

  • Registration of $200.00 U.S. funds must be received.
  • Online class requirements will be provided after registration is processed.
  • For general information about CCI visit www.clog.org or contact us as cci@clog.org or contact
  • Janice Hanzel, CCI – Co Chair  Janice.Hanzel@clog.org
  • Kathey Wilson, CCI— Co Chair  dancetymestudio@gmail.com

CCI is a Professional Designation offered by The National Clogging Organization

Certified Clogging Education & Instruction
Enroll today to begin your CCI journey
CCI classes consist of an online session and a face-to-face session

This is a two week self directed study at ones own pace. Consisting of History, Leadership, Marketing, Management, and sound/voice production.
An online meeting, to be determined, will be held at the end of your two week study with two of our CCI committee members.
Once you register online and finish your online study, you will begin working on points necessary for the CCI education and instructor program.

At this time the face-to-face is held at the yearly National Clogging Convention in November.
These classes are led by National Instructors to guide you through teaching, choregraphing, and cue sheets.
You will receive your Certificate of Education at the end of the face-to-face session and will be on your way to earning your CCI designation.

Enroll today to experience the education of the Certified Clogging Instructors(CCI) Program and the teaching tips from more than 50 established clogging instructors.

When you apply and begin CCI you’ll be on your way to improving your instructional skills. You’ll join a select group of men and women who have made the ultimate commitment to excellence in clogging instruction, career advancement and the ongoing pursuit of knowledge.

CCI is a Professional Designation offered by the National Clogging Organization

Three Training Tracks

The Marilyn Hansen Scholarship

The Marilyn Hansen Scholarship includes tuition for CCI Sessions I & II and the registration fee.

Click here for more information.

Testimony from CCI Alumnae

Our Program Coordinators

C.L.O.G., Inc.

2986 Mill Park Ct., Dacula, GA 30019

Phone: 678.889.4355

Web: C.L.O.G. Website


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